Monday, April 7, 2008

Introducing Our Family

For the last couple of years I have been trying to send out monthly newsletters about our family. It started off well, but has gotten to the point that I don't update our family news very often at all. So... I'm going to try a blog and see if that works any better.

I think that it's important to record the happenings of your family. I'm not very great at scrapbooking, journal writing, phone calling, or letter writing. This Blogspot is my way of keeping people posted on the happenings of our family as well as starting and maintaining our family history.

So... here is our family:

James, Shelly, Tori (14), Emma (12), Isabel (10) and Micah (4).


Debbie said...

I am so excited that you guys have a family newsletter blog page. It will be nice to keep up to date this way. We are very excited about the plays this summer. Look forward to coming to see you guys.

Love, Debbie and gang

Annabanana said...

Finaally! I didn't even notice you had a blog until today!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shelly! I didn't even know you had a blog! I hope everything is going well for you and your family up north. I am so glad that you have accomplished so much within the last year! That's wonderful! Keep in touch!
